PEP ROUND TRACK product family

Discover PEP ROUND:
The modular, round, 48V rail system

The PEP ROUND TRACK system offers you a modular and versatile lighting experience. This innovative track system operates on DC48V and comes in a sleek black finish. Made of lacquered aluminum, it combines functionality and style to illuminate your space optimally. Thanks to the flexible positioning and simple installation without the use of tools, you can adapt your lighting to your needs at any time. Whether ceiling or pendant mounted, the PEP ROUND TRACK system is the perfect choice for a customized lighting solution

Surface-mounted and pendulum channel

Diameter 70, 125, 180 and 245 mm

Stable and elegant: the basis of your lighting system

The surface-mounted and pendant channel of the PEP ROUND TRACK system forms the backbone of your individual lighting solution. Made of high-quality, painted aluminum, it guarantees a long service life and an elegant appearance. Installation is possible both on the ceiling and as a pendant, offering maximum flexibility. With a cable suspension of approx. 1500 mm, you can position the light sources exactly where they are needed.

LED spotlight

Cover in round or rectangular

Precise illumination for every detail

Our LED spotlights are available in the housing colors white/black and black and can be positioned anywhere in the track system. They provide precise and efficient illumination that is perfect for accent lighting and spotlighting. Installation is child’s play and requires no tools, so you remain flexible at all times.

LED light inserts

LED mit Side-Emitter-Optik, um den Lichtstrahl zu den Seiten zu lenken.

A wide range of lighting options for your rooms

The LED light inserts of the PEP ROUND TRACK system offer you numerous options for putting your room in the right light. Whether warm or cold light, the inserts are versatile and can be quickly and easily inserted into the track, moved or removed. So you can always create the perfect atmosphere to suit your wishes and requirements.

LED pendant lights

The optics of the luminaire with light adjustable from 0° to 45° can be rotated vertically.

Stylish accents for your interior design

The LED pendant luminaires add an elegant and design-oriented component to the PEP ROUND TRACK system. Ideal for dining tables, counters or work areas, they provide uniform and glare-free lighting. The simple installation and flexible positioning allow you to place your pendant luminaires exactly where they will make the most impression.

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