High-quality lights -

greatly reduced!

Secure exclusive discounts on recessed ceiling lights, surface-mounted ceiling lights and pendant lights now.
Perfect for your projects and commercial spaces.

Contact sales

Lay-in ceiling lights

Our recessed ceiling lights are supplied with high-quality power supply units from Philips, Osram or Tridonic. They are flicker-free and suitable for VDU workstations.

Please note that the prices quoted for the recessed ceiling lights are per packaging unit (PU), each comprising 4 or 6 units.

Pendant luminaires

Surface-mounted ceiling lights & track spotlights

We look forward to hearing from you

This offer is aimed exclusively at commercial customers. The prices quoted apply only to purchases in the specified packaging units (VPEs). Purchases outside the VPEs are not possible. The promotion is valid until 17.12.2024 or while stocks last. If the stock is not completely sold out, we reserve the right to extend the promotion period. This extension will be communicated transparently and in good time. Otherwise, our general terms and conditions of sale and delivery apply.

Non-binding product inquiry
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