Company portrait A.L.S. GmbH



A.L.S. is founded in Langenargen on Lake Constance with 2 employees in 300m2 of office and warehouse space by the current managing director and owner Dieter Layer-Reiss.


Relocation to Tettnang

Due to the rapid development and the associated increase in personnel and space requirements, the company purchases and moves into its first own premises with 10002 in Karlsdorfer Str. in Tettnang.


Relocation within Tettnang

Further growth and the resulting lack of space made it necessary to move to Mastorter Str. 29 in Tettnang in 2002.


Opening up international markets

By opening up further markets and cooperating with other luminaire manufacturers, another company was founded. In 2004, the company Comparlux GmbH was founded to open up international sales markets and OEM channels.


Own LED production

Competitiveness is maintained and promoted by investing heavily in machinery, computer software (PCB design, CAD, lighting design) and employee knowledge. Since 2008, the company has been manufacturing its own LED modules with an SMD pick-and-place machine and associated peripherals. The management’s philosophy is to quickly translate current industry developments into concrete, user-friendly and cost-effective solutions. The focus is on designing energy-efficient lighting solutions for complete projects.


New building for production, R&D etc. was finished

Relocation of Comparlux GmbH to a new additional production facility with approx. 1000 m² of administrative space and 3000 m² of production and storage space in order to meet the needs of the constantly growing LED market and the interests of our customers. In October 2012, we moved into our new production facility with an additional team.


From Comparlux GmbH to light direct GmbH

As an adaptation to the market, Comparlux GmbH is renamed to light direct GmbH. Also a webshop has been founded


Merger into A.L.S. GmbH

Merger of A.L.S. GmbH & Co. KG and light direct GmbH into A.L.S. GmbH and relocation to the current company headquarters at Mastorter Str. 31 in Tettnang.


A.L.S today

A.L.S. GmbH produces and trades in luminaires and lighting components and is therefore a supplier of luminaires and lighting systems for indoor and outdoor use, as well as a designer of lighting concepts and lighting solutions. A.L.S. GmbH currently has 27 employees and an office and warehouse area of 5400 m². We invest heavily in the knowledge of our employees and are always up to date with the latest industry-related topics and lighting design.

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