Lighting catalogs

Our catalogs & brochures – for download and as an online flip catalog

General catalog


We are pleased to present you our catalog LIGHTING 2024.
Discover our many new interesting product families while browsing our extended product range.

Would you like to order our new lighting catalog as a print edition? Simply send us a short e-mail with your address to

Brochures & Flyers


Energy-efficient LED lighting solutions for surgeries, health centers and pharmacies – modern, sustainable and cost-saving.

SLML track spotlight

The new SLML track spotlight: minimal size – high output and good light image

Floor lamp GAL

The perfect solution for single and double workstations

Mobile luminaire BELLA

The new mobile floor lamp – flexible, powerful & stylish!

Glass globe pendant light LLP

Glass globe light for all-round softly diffused ambient light.

Air disinfection lamp UV-C AIR

Air disinfection lamp UV-C AIR

Trade, commerce & industry

The most popular products from trade, commerce and industry at a glance.

LED street and city lighting

Functional LED street lighting, highly efficient LED modules, designed for street and avenue lighting, parking lots, boulevards, cycle paths and pedestrian paths.

UV-C mobile disinfection lamp

Efficient and chemical-free disinfection

ELEDB - Backlit, LED Panel

For coffered ceilings in offices, classrooms, sales and conference rooms, corridors and elevators. Long service life, low maintenance and high energy savings guaranteed!

Mobile luminaire FLAI

Official representation

In order to be closer to the market and to be able to offer our customers an expanded product portfolio, we have been the official representative for Goccia Illuminazione since 2017 and for Diomede from Italy since 2020. The selected stock program can be delivered directly from Germany.

Goccia catalog 2024

Official representative for Goccia Illuminazione from Italy.

Diomede catalog 2023

Official representative for Diomede from Italy.

Diomede Flyer 2024

New products from Diomede

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