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K3 product family

Discover the K3 series: lighting art in perfection

The elementary shape of the K3 cube harbors an innovative idea: drawing with light.
With special optics and light intensities, K3 is ideal for one-, two- and four-beam wall effect lighting.

The aluminum construction, available in three colors, is complemented by flush-fitting glass and meets the requirements of protection class II and protection class IP65.


1-fold, 2-fold or 4-fold light emission

Die-cast aluminum housing

Housing color white, anthracite or aluminium grey

Thanks to its compact size, K3 MINILED fits elegantly into covered or enclosed spaces.
Outdoors, it unfolds its full power and provides lively lighting effects or spotlighting of details.


1-fold or 2-fold light emission

Housing color white, anthracite or aluminium grey

Die-cast aluminum housing

K3 POWER offers the highest light output in the range.
Thanks to the precise optical design of the parabolas, it guarantees a very high light output for impressive and far-reaching outdoor lighting.
With a wide range of accessories, the luminaire is complemented by adjustability and surface illumination.


1-fold, 2-fold or 4-fold light emission

Housing color white, anthracite or aluminium grey

Die-cast aluminum housing

K3 WRITER is the creative tool for lighting design.
By combining lenses, profiles and color filters, it emphasizes the architecture of a façade or creates new, original plays of light.


Formscheibe aus Edelstahl, passend für Wandaußenleuchte K3 WRITER 30°

Blattschablone, passend für Wandaußenleuchte K3 WRITER

Konvexlinse für 5 Streifen, passend für Wandaußenleuchte K3 WRITER

Konvexlinse für 1 Streifen, passend für Wandaußenleuchte K3 WRITER

Farbfilter für K3 Wandaußenleuchte, 113x108mm, rot

Farbfilter für K3 Wandaußenleuchte, 113x108mm, orange

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