WASH product family

Perfection for every wall: the WASH product family

Discover an excellent solution for beautiful wall lighting with our WASH product family.
These ultra-modern LED wall lights combine functionality and design in perfect harmony.
With their elegant wallwasher effect, they create a uniform and atmospheric illumination that bathes any room in a new light.
Whether for living spaces, offices or outdoor areas – the WASH luminaires are the ideal choice for style-conscious lighting projects.


Compact elegance for every wall

The WASH22 impresses with its compact design and versatile application options.
This LED wall light made of high-quality die-cast aluminum is available in white, anthracite and aluminum grey and can be fitted with opal or transparent glass.
With its dimensions of 222x100x116 mm, it fits perfectly into any room and offers a choice of single or double light emission.
Thanks to its IP65 protection rating, the WASH22 is also ideal for outdoor use.


More light, more style

The WASH24 has the same output as the WASH22 but with a different look.
Like the WASH22, it is available in different colors and glass variants and also offers a single or double light emission.
The robust construction and high-quality surface treatment ensure durability and a stylish appearance, both indoors and outdoors.


Slim design, powerful performance

The WASH42 impresses with its slim design and impressive light output.
With a length of 421 mm and a height of just 70 mm, it is very compact yet effective.
This luminaire is only available with milled opal glass, which ensures particularly uniform light distribution.
Like all WASH models, it has an IP65 protection rating and is therefore also suitable for outdoor use.


Maximum light output for large areas

With its dimensions of 529.5x70x81 mm, it is particularly suitable for large wall surfaces and high rooms.
Equipped with milled opal glass and a single or double light emission, it offers maximum light output with minimum energy consumption.
The high-quality workmanship and robust materials guarantee a long service life and a stylish appearance wherever it is used.

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