

Welcome to A.L.S. GmbH

A.L.S. is a supplier of luminaires and lighting systems as well as a designer of lighting concepts and lighting solutions. A.L.S. was one of the first manufacturers of individual LED lighting solutions with its own fitter.
Our strengths include an extensive product range, fast delivery (6000 m² warehouse), an excellent price-performance ratio and a high degree of flexibility for special requests. In order to live up to our company name, we have the highest standards when it comes to product and concept design. We mainly deal with LED technology and are continuously expanding our vertical range of manufacture in this area.



Our activities focus on trading in lighting fixtures, light sources and accessories. In addition to our extensive range of indoor and outdoor lighting solutions, our strengths include our excellent price-performance ratio and our ability to deliver at short notice.


Light planning

Unsere Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf den Handel mit Beleuchtungskörpern, Leuchtmitteln und Zubehör. Zu unseren Stärken zählen neben unserem umfangreichen Angebot an Beleuchtungslösungen für den Innen- und Außenbereich auch unser hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und unsere Fähigkeit, kurzfristig zu liefern.

ALS-Montage (1)


Dank unserer eigenen Produktionsanlagen liefern wir hohe Qualität. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen unsere eigenen Ressourcen die Realisierung von kundenspezifischen Lösungen und Produktmodifikationen. Ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität ist durch die kurzen internen Wege gewährleistet.



Dank unserer eigenen Produktionsanlagen liefern wir hohe Qualität. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen unsere eigenen Ressourcen die Realisierung von kundenspezifischen Lösungen und Produktmodifikationen. Ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität ist durch die kurzen internen Wege gewährleistet.



A direct and in-depth knowledge of LED light sources, their development and the assembly of circuits and printed circuit boards enables A.L.S. to take care of every stage of production: From the layout of the printed circuit board to the realization of the luminaire. A.L.S. has an internal department that focuses entirely on the development, production and manufacture of cutting-edge LED technology. The focus of LED development is on high light output efficiency and reduced energy consumption. The warehouse, where thousands of LEDs and components are stored, is precisely managed and controlled in order to offer products with the highest possible color uniformity and quality.

Since 2006 our SMD LED machine offers for our customers opportunities in LED-business regarding technology, flexibility and price.

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