
LED batten for cove lighting, shelf lighting, background lighting

The perfect solution for new installations that require low upfront costs.It provides a price-effective way to upgrade existing fluorescent fixtures to the latest trend of LED lighting. With the same output as T5 fluorescent tube, LED uses less power and has almost twice the lifespan.

Anti-UV, high transmittance milky PC cover offers comfortable uniform illumination.

Extruded aluminum helps LED heat dissipation and is not easy to deform.

Male and female connecting system makes seamless connection up to 400W

  • With mounting clips
  • Built-in electronic power supply
  • Operating length up to 300W with one feed
  • Without on/off switch, without power cable
  • Protection Rating: IP20
  • Protection Class: II

Not included in the delivery (has to be ordered separately)

  • Power cable
  • Connection cable
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