
Recessed luminaire for outdoor installation in the ground

  • Configuration: AISI 316 deep-drawn stainless steel structure with milled AISI
    316L stainless steel finish frame
  • Tempered transparent or sandblasted glass, moulded silicone gasket
  • The stainless steel structure allows installation on extreme conditions (sea
    or road salt)
  • Protection Rating: IP67
  • In compliance with EN 60598-1 standards
  • Class of insulation: mains:I; low voltage: III


220mm version:

The luminaire is equipped with M20x1,5
plastic cable gland and a piece of cable for an easy-to-make connection.

130mm version:

The luminaire is equipped with M16x1,5 plastic cable gland
(<4,5ø<10mm) and a piece of cable for an easy-to-make connection. LED
version 24V is equipped with a dc/dc highly efficient resin-coated converter
that removes electromagnetic interference and allows parallel wiring.
Idra LED is protected against polarity reversal and sudden voltage peak.
LED ø130 is protected against polarity reversal and it is equipped with
a piece of cable for an easy-to-made connection (please provide effective
insulation on the connection).

Outdoor use requires suitable flexible cables assuring the
watertightness of the cable gland. Installation requires a dedicated box
for installation (to be ordered separately). It is important to provide
a >400mm gravel layer or a drain system (for concrete surface) to
ensure good drainage and to avoid water stagnation.

We recommend the use of a connection system with a protection degree
greater than or equal to the
protection degree of the luminaire.

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