
Linear LED luminaire for installation outdoor (wall and ceiling)

  • Die-cast aluminium closing ends
  • Extruded aluminium structure and zinc coated steel fixing brackets (80mm or 200mm)
  • Double layer coating for high resistance to corrosion
  • The electrical components are installed on a removable frame accessible by unscrewing the aluminium closing ends
  • Adjustable light emission on the horizontal axis
  • Tempered transparent extra-clear glass with silkscreen border. The glass is fixed to the aluminium structure through a robotic gluing system.
  • EN AB 47100 alloy (low copper content)
  • Protection Rating: IP65
  • In compliance with EN60598-1 standards
  • Class of insulation: I


The luminaire is equipped with two M16 cableglands, one is pre-wired with a piece of neoprene cable (approx.500mm) for a fast connection to the mains and the other is closed with a removable cap.

We recommend the use of a connection system with a protection degree greater than or equal to the protection degree of the luminaire.

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