
A lamp born from a new concept of installation.

The lamp body consists of a watertight system of a base, light source, wiring, glass diffuser and glass retaining trim. You can achieve the final desired look by changing the front snap-on “masks”. The masks, available in different shapes and colours, can be replaced at any time, allowing the lamp to take on a new personality at each change.

The Jack series is completed with power LEDs, in addition to continuous illumination, offer interesting functions that fulfil emergency, timer, night dimmer, or Motion sensor lighting requirements. The Jack series gives lighting designers or installers a single coordinated series in order to illuminate stairs, basements, corridors, balconies, outdoors, and gardens for residential or public areas.

  • Protection Rating IP65
  • Manufactured in compliance with European standards EN 60598-1:2015 CE
  • Protection Class: II
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