

3-circuit track (230V) 3m, white  

Technical data

Colour:WhiteHeight:37,8 mm
Length:3000 mmMax. elek Belastbark Phase:3600
Nominal voltage:400 VNumber of products per phase:3
Protection class:IShape:Rectangular
Surface finish:MattWidth:30,7 mm


Product information

Photometric data


End feed, 3-circuit track, ground right, white

End feed, 3-circuit track, ground left, white

Straight connector, white

Straight connector (I-connector) for 3-circuit track, with power feed option, white

L-Coupler earth outside, white

L-Coupler earth inside, white

3~ Flex-Coupler, white

3~ T-Coupler earth inside right, white

3~ T-Coupler earth inside left, white

3~ T-Coupler earth outside right, white

3~ T-Coupler earth outside left, white

X connector for 3-circuit track, with power feed option, white

Mid feed, white

Power-socket adapter, with idle 6,3A fuse, traffic white RAL 9016

ONETRACK Clip for ceiling grid, white

Ceiling clip, for surface mounting, L40mm, galvanized

Pendant clip 35mm, for steel cable or pendant rod, white

Clip, 25mm for suspension with quick hangers or chains (for hooks / loops), white

Steel cord suspension for SCH-075x and 57501402x, adjustable length, L1500mm

Steel cord suspension for SCH-075x and 57501402x, adjustable length, L3000mm

Steel cord suspension for SCH-075x and 57501402x, adjustable length, L6200mm

Pendant rod, with ceiling rosette, shortable, L600mm, traffic white RAL 9016

Pendant rod, with ceiling rosette, shortable, L1200mm, traffic white RAL 9016

Steel suspension wire with fast hanger, height adjustable L3000mm, silver

Multi-adapter for 3~ ONETRACK surface-mounted rail, without data bus, max. tensile load: 100N, white, Eutrac no.: 575 1 6710 6One of the following accessories can be used to attach the lights to the adapter: Mounting nipple 575066020 (M10x1 external thread) , Mounting nipple 575066030 (M10x1 internal thread), Mounting nipple 575066040 (M13x1 external thread)

Uiniadapter for 3~ surface ONETRACK, without data bus, max. tensile load 50N, white

Cover for 3~surface ONETRACK, length 1000mm, white

Hook ONETRACK, white

LED Konverter In-Track Adapter ONETRACK, on/off, integrated TCI driver, 220-240V, 11 available Power/voltage through dipswitch selection between 200mA (8.6W) – 700mA (30W), max. 43Vdc, 50-60Hz, max. tensile load 50N / max. torgue 2,5Nm, white

In-Track Adapter ONETRACK, ON/OFF, max. tensile load 50N / max. torgue 2,5Nm, white

ONETRACK 3~ Surface-Universal Monopoint, with data bus option, for 3~ MultiAdapter and UniAdapter, with or without data bus contacts, max. tensile load 50N, white

Recessed-Universal Monopoint, max. tensile load 50N, ceiling cutout Ø? mm, for ceiling thickness up to max. 30 mm, white

ONETRACK Retaining collar M10 (female)

ONETRACK Retaining collar M13 (female)

ONETRACK Retaining collar M10 (male)

ONETRACK Retaining collar M13 (male)

ONETRACK Retaining collar M10 (female)

ONETRACK Cutting Tool, galvanized steel with handle isolation

End cap, for 3-circuit track (230V) ONETRACK DALI, white

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