
LED ground and wall recessed luminaires

  • Body of primary aluminium or stainless steel
  • Cover in stainless steel or aluminium (metal grey)
  • Surface treatment: phosphorus chromate + varnish with corrosion protection polyester powder
  • Adjustable and routable optic for the right firing (unless for ø70). Vertically ±15° for ø125 and ø180 mm and ± 25° for ø245. Horizontaly routable.
  • Walk and drive over, Max surface T 40°C and load up pressure max 2.000 – 3.500 kg (1.000 Kg for ø 70 mm)
  • Protection Rating: IP67
  • Protection Class: I (Ø125, Ø180, Ø245) and III (Ø70)
  • Built-in electronic power supply (Ø125, Ø180, Ø245)
  • external electronic power supply (Ø70)

On request

  • Dimmable
  • Other light colours
  • RGBW Passum 125/180/245mm – see from page 290
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